Thursday, September 19, 2013

Top Ten Signs You Are Obsessed With Breaking Bad

Unless you are living under a rock, you are aware that Breaking Bad will soon be coming to an end.  I am rather fond of the show, but others take their fondness to a whole new level.  This handy dandy guide will clue you in as to whether you are a casual follower of the show or out of your mind obsessed.

10) You have received several notices from your bank regarding checks returned because you sign your name using chemical symbols.

9) You find yourself within the city limits of Albuquerque, New Mexico for reasons other than being relocated by the witness protection program.

8) Even though you know you have no earthly reason to do so, you can't shake a nagging feeling that
you better call Saul.

7) Yes, he's a fictional character, but you know that every time Jesse says "bitch" he's talking to you.

6) Hours and hours each week pouring over Auto Trader in search of an old Winnebago or a Pontiac Aztek.

5) You turn away door to door solicitors by ominously informing them that YOU are the one that knocks.

4) You're finding more and more reasons to "accidentally" run into your high school chemistry teacher.

3) You quit your job to become a travel agent specializing in trips to Belize.

2) You actually shut up for ten seconds about how great The Wire was.

1) Because of the show, you find yourself neglecting your usual hobby of doing loads of meth.

If any of these warning signs apply to you, my advice would be to tread lightly. Either that or switch to a more harmless show like Hot In Cleveland.  I wanted to give a quick shout out to Creepy Todd.  I really wanted to figure out a way to include you in this list, but I couldn't think of a good way to do it.  Please don't send your uncle after me.