Sunday, March 13, 2011

That's What She Said

Thursday night on NBC there is a little show called "The Office".  This happens to be one of my favorite shows and is so good that I understand they are totally ripping it off over in England (or something like that).  It was announced a long time ago that this would be the last season of the show with Steve Carell as Michael Scott.  Another announcement indicated that next month would feature his very last show.  While his departure saddens me deeply, my beef is not with Carell.  He wants to make the big bucks in movies, I can't be mad at him for that.  And I have a feeling that unlike all the Caruso's and Gandolfini's before him, this kid might just make it.  No my disgust lies with the show itself for not ending with his departure.

Now some will argue that Steve Carell is not the whole show.  There are many other delightful characters.  My friends, you are preaching to the choir.  I couldn't agree more.  But it is ALL of these wonderful parts that make the whole.  Plus, he is kind of the main character.  People will notice he is gone.  If Creed or Meredith were gone, it would probably take you about 4 or 5 shows to figure out that they aren't there.  As a matter of fact they probably do go missing for shows at a time and I bet you don't notice. 

Many will say, "What is the harm in keeping the show going?  They aren't hurting anyone."  I'd like to tell you a story about a little show called "Scrubs".  This was a wonderful show full of lovable hilarious characters.  The problem with this show is that its network hated it.  They tried everything they possibly could to get this show cancelled.  They tried time slot changes, air date changes, even network changes, but they couldn't sink this plucky little show.  It was just too damn good.  I can hear you saying, "If this show was as good as you say it was, why aren't we still watching it except for at random times on a Saturday afternoon on basic cable?"  I will tell you why my friends, they kept it going after the main character left the show.  Was he the only character?  Nope.  Was he always the funniest?  Not even close (see "The Todd").  But if you mess with the formula you will get burnt every time.  To this day, that final season of "Scrubs" haunts my dreams and destroys my memories of the good times I had watching that show.

Let me put it to you another way.  Let's say that one day McDonald's made an announcement that they were going to stop serving sandwiches at all of their fine establishments.  They were going to keep the chain going on the strength of their other menu items like the new oatmeal that I am sure is so popular that it is just flying out of the drive thru windows.  Now I want to be the first to say I love some of the other menu items.  The fries are top notch and this month's milkshake, The Shamrock Shake, is phenomenal.  But, how long would it take for them to have to shut it down due to lack of interest?  Yes, people order salads from McDonald's, but it's only after they've ordered so many Big Macs that their pants don't fit anymore.  And I am talking about their sweatpants.  So if The Quarter Pounder with Cheese left to make feature films, they wouldn't promote McDonaldland Cookies to boss of the office and hope they would be alright, McDonald's would close the doors. 

So NBC, I beg you, please do not poo all over the legacy of such a fine show by keeping it going.  Let it end with some dignity.  Sadly, my cries will not be heard and the show will undoubtedly go on and become a limp lifeless form that once stood tall.  That's what she said...that's what she said indeed.

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