Monday, May 16, 2011

Just Because

So today is a crappy weather Monday and those types of days have on occasion brought me down.  It is not always a Monday or crappy weather that puts me in a funk, but I do get there sometimes.  No matter how I get to that place there is one sure fire thing that will always, and I mean always, put me in a better mood.  I thought about keeping this magical wonder cure to myself but decided to share it with my closest friends (and complete strangers who stumble upon this blog randomly).

Feast your eyes on the magic that is Leonard Nimoy singing about Bilbo Baggins.

If you are not happy after seeing this then I am sorry my friend, but your heart is made of pure stone.  Wait, I know what the problem is, you aren't a Spock person.  Well if that is that case I have just the thing for you.

Those are two sure-fire mood fixers.  If they don't do the trick then all I can say is that you are a robot.  So enjoy your Monday and I hope these put a smile on your face.  Besides, it's not like Tuesdays are a whole hell of a lot better.

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