Friday, April 1, 2011

All Good Things...

Well it is with a very sad heart that I tell you that this will be my last blog.  I have decided to leave well enough alone and shut down Blog The Super Blog!  It's not really just one thing that brought me to this decision, it is a lot of things combined.  First of all, I think I have tapped out my creativity.  I just have a lot of trouble thinking of things to write about and this has caused the blog to seem more like work than fun.  Another reason is that my schedule  has just become too hectic to continue writing regularly enough to keep this thing going.  There is a lot to do in a given day and when you combine that with the new seasons of American Idol and The Voice...well you can do the math.  So I thank all of you loyal readers of the past couple of months.  I hope you enjoyed it and I hope I made you laugh at least a little.  I also hope you got at least one or two of my way too many references to 80's movies.  I apologize, I guess you'll just have to find another source for useless writing about bad TV shows and stuff.  I will leave you with one nugget of wisdom from the German philosopher Heinrich Von Denkockt.

"etad eht ta kool a ekat, ecilsemoh erehwyna gniog t'nia golb siht."

I left it in his native German because it loses a lot in the translation.  Farewell, my friends.

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